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July 11, 2013
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
July 11, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Joyce Anderson, Alex Fiandaca, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.
Town Line Sign Overlays
Overlays have been affixed to all Town Line signs needing correction of the Town’s date of establishment of 1759.  Thank you, Mickey!
Redemption Rock Road Marker

Mickey delivered the freshly painted Redemption Rock Road Marker from Worcester Technical High School to the Highway Department where it is awaiting reinstallation.  The school has painted the pole as well.  Mickey will contact Phyllis with information for press coverage and suggested that the Commission send the school either a small plaque or framed letter of thanks.
Meetinghouse Cemetery
Alex received a partial invoice ($500) from Ta Mara Conde in June for cemetery repairs and submitted it to John Lebeaux.  John had just left for vacation (until July 1) but Lynne assured that there is flexibility with the fiscal deadline for work performed prior to June 30.  
Alex explained that Ta Mara has been very busy and unable to meet to discuss the possibility of a volunteer workshop this fall.  Alex suggested that the group consider holding a cemetery tour instead as a way of raising the public’s awareness of the cemetery and the efforts to restore it.

Route 140

Mickey reported that MassDOT is in the process of selecting the type of bridge needed (from a structural standpoint) for East Princeton Village.  The aesthetics of the bridge railings will be captured in phase II of the Route 140 design process, which will begin in the fall.
Four Corners

Joyce reported that Mass Historic is in the process of reviewing the Four Corners nomination.

Mechanics Hall
Mickey has contacted the Highway Department about short-term improvements to the parking lot at Mechanics Hall.  The pavement is in extremely poor condition and the concrete pillars are in disrepair. Recently donated planters and bunting (installed with the help of PMLD) have increased the building’s curb appeal.  Alex reported that the Friends’ grant search focus at this point is on private foundations that do not require preservation restrictions.
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
July 11, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM
Page 2

New Activities
Members compiled the following list of new activities:
Town Pound:  It was suggested that the Commission reopen the discussion of clearing the town pound (which abuts Meetinghouse Cemetery).  The risk of theft and vandalism of the pound has concerned the Commission, however increased attention and visibility could make the pound less of a target. Additionally, an interpretive sign could highlight the history of the pound and acknowledge JoEllen Ferm’s donation of the pound to the Town in 2007.
House Plaque Program: As a way of revitalizing the House Plaque Program, it was suggested that the Commission educate homeowners on how to research their own homes.  An informational workshop, perhaps in conjunction with the Historical Society, was suggested.  Research criteria would need to be established and the homeowner’s research would require review by the Commission.  It was also suggested that the eligibility of houses be tightened in terms of historic integrity.  Preservation Worcester’s requirements could serve as a guideline.  It was also suggested that the owners of houses for which there is already substantial information be targeted first.     
National Register: Resolve question of eligibility of Everettville for National Register listing.  Joyce indicated that even if the village proves to be ineligible, there are individual houses that would very likely qualify.  Also, consider re-approaching owners of the Ward Boylston House (Bolyston Villa) at 73 Mountain Road and the neighboring former farmhouse at 83 Worcester Road (both built c. 1820) about seeking Nation Register status.  
Public Education: Consider town wide mailer educating public about the difference between National Register Historic Districts and Local Historic Districts as well as preservation restrictions.  
Plane Spotting Tower: Consider commemoration of the plane spotting tower located on the Common during WWII.  The tower was operated (primarily by women and children) when the summit of Wachusett was too foggy.  Frannie Rice of Mountain Road served as a plane spotter.
Guidelines for Town Common: Reopen discussion to develop a plan/guidelines for the upper and lower Common and perhaps Dingman Park that would help the Board of Selectmen respond to requests for permanent structures on the Common.  

Next Meeting: Members decided not to hold an August meeting. The next meeting will be held September 19th, 2013 at 7 PM in the Town Hall Annex.
Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca